Published On: November 16, 2022

Leading the way, one mattress at a time

WIN Canberra  | Tuesday 8th November 2022

The Federal Government is cracking down on discarded mattresses, tyres and medical supplies. They’ll be putting the onus back on the companies behind the products in hopes of reducing their impact on the environment.

Leading the way, one mattress at a time, soft landing, keeping beds out of landfill while creating meaningful jobs for those struggling to find work. The kind of focus and impact that we can get by this kind of involvement in recycling and the work that we’re doing and social enterprises more broadly is going to have such an impact on our community. And it really changes the conversation and how we can look at doing things better in the future.   The Environment Minister adding mattresses, medical waste and tyres to the product stewardship list, putting industries on notice to lift their game or the government will regulate the life cycle of their products.    What we know is that in each of these areas, while some importers and manufactures others are doing a really good job, others are free riding on that good work. And that’s just not fair.