Key funders and pro bono partners
NSW Environmental Trust
Paul Ramsay Foundation
Social Ventures Australia (with the support of Gandel Philanthropy)
Vincent Fairfax Fellowship Foundation
Westpac Foundation
The Social Enterprise Council of NSW & ACT (SECNA)
Social Traders
Jobs Australia

ABSC Approval for Mattress Recyclers
Soft Landing is an approved mattress recycler by the Australian Bedding Stewardship Council (ABSC) for demonstrating safe and environmentally responsible collection, storage and recovery of end-of-life mattresses and their component material
The ABSC recognises mattress recyclers like Soft Landing who meet our strict criteria for safe and environmentally responsible practices. Our approval is not given lightly; it signifies a company’s dedication to outstanding collection, storage, and recycling processes for end-of-life mattresses, adhering to our stringent guidelines and ethical standards.
Soft Landing’s hands-on recycling process exemplifies the kind of innovative method we love. Their approach not only extends the useful life of all the natural resources such as steel, timber, and foam but also significantly contributes to job creation within local communities. It’s this commitment to environmental outcomes and community impact that we are proud to acknowledge, particularly during National Recycling Week. There is a broader societal value to sustainability and Soft Landing is an excellent example of this can work.
Kylie Roberts-Frost
ABSC Chief Executive Officer
Councils we work with
Did you know we are trusted by 65 Councils to recycle mattresses?
Our quality service and our social and environmental outcomes make us the mattress recycler of choice for Councils around Australia.
“Yarra Council is very pleased to play a small part of the great work your organisation does.
Your engagement and inclusivity within this country’s diverse community is second to none!
Well done to the whole team.”
Adrian Valente
Contract Management Officer
Yarra City Council Waste Service

The people of Soft Landing come from all walks of life and culture…We are a better workplace for having the door open to a breadth of life experiences.

Community Resources
Soft Landing is part of Community Resources, a national not-for-profit that runs some of the largest social enterprises in Australia and delivers a range of community services, employing 786 people last year, 67% of them experiencing barriers to employment.